昨晚老爺下班帶回一樣禮物, 不是他買的喔! 是老爺公司的同事-Belen 自己親手製作的. 真讓我驚喜又意外. 這個大包包size還不小呢, 她自己還開玩笑的說, 不要拿去當媽媽包喔!(言下之意,不是要我們再生一個啦) 包包的長度還算剛好, 奇怪她怎麼知道我多高呢? 真是有心人. 也很不好意思ㄋㄟ!
(This english translation is for Belen)
Last night, my husband came home with a gift. It was from Belen, one of his coworkers. She had hand-made the gift. I was happily surprised. The bag wasn't tiny either, so it must have taken much time. She even joked and said, don't use it as a nursery bag. The width of the bag was great. How did she know that it was the perfect size for my height? She is so thoughtful for making me the bag.
手工細緻, 材質算是牛仔加金蔥吧,屬於耐看型. 真的很棒耶, 好像這種都是工廠才能做出來, 沒想到手工這麼精巧.
It is obvious that the pattern took a long time and it was made with extreme carefulness. The texture looks very sturdy and the shining gold flowers are great. It looks like it came from a prestigious factory, its hard to believe that it was hand made.
里面還有一個小口袋, 很精緻,設想週到.
There is even a small pocket inside, how thoughtful.
外面還有一個方便小口袋. 下次可以帥氣的背出門囉! 對了, 有興趣的朋友, 好像可以向她訂購喔! 背一個特別為妳製作的包包,真的很不一樣.
There is even a handy dandy little pocket outside. Next time When I go out, I can proudly show off my bag. And for anyone that is interested in these types of bag, Maybe you can contact Belen about it. She will make one specially for you, it is amazing.
Thank you so much, Belen. I love it.